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Monday, 9 December 2013

SP2010: Error when trying to load Info Path Form


Got the following errors when trying to add a new InfoPath form:
Long error but gets down to:

InvalidCastException, Exception Message: Unable to cast COM object of type 'HTMLCHECKERLib.XMLPProcessorClass' to interface type 'HTMLCHECKERLib.IHTMLtoXHTML'. ' failed due to the following error: Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED

Run regsvr 32 to register the following DLL

regsvr32 “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\htmlchkr.dll”

Thanks to for helping me solve this one.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

SP2013: [MissingWebPart] Error on Clean SharePoint 2013 Instalation


i Have seen this quite a few times.

I Have lots of errors like this:

[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [b2faa275-7008-740a-a014-0055b7420d15] (class [Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.SiteFeedWebPart] from assembly [Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxxx]) is referenced [2] times in the database [WSS_DBName], but is not installed on the current farm. Please install any feature/solution which contains this web part. One or more web parts are referenced in the database [WSS_DBName], but are not installed on the current farm. Please install any feature or solution which contains these web parts.

Here is a very handy site with a solution but did not work for me.

First Run this script in SQL Query Analyzer:

Change DB Name and the ID to the one's in the error message

use [SharePoint_AdminContent_(guid)]
select DirName, LeafName
    from dbo.AllDocs
    where id in
        (select tp_PageUrlID
            from dbo.AllWebParts
            where lower(tp_WebPartTypeId) = '28c23aec-2537-68b3-43b6-845b13cea19f')

Now You need to figure out in which site collection it is.
Hopefully you restrict your DB's to only have one Site collection, then it is easy.
If not...i Dont know. i Limit it.
So if you go to view All site collections and you choose your site collection it will give you the url for your site collection.

Ok, so now you need to paste the DirName above to the end of the url in your site.

The errors go away and come back again, will have to look at this again later.
If someone can see where i go wrong please let me know.

Monday, 18 November 2013

SP2010: SharePoint 2010 Installation error: Could not find stored procedure 'sp_dboption'.


Got this error while running the SharePoint 2010 wizzard to create a farm.

 Failed to create the configuration database.
An exception of type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was thrown.  Additional exception information: Could not find stored procedure 'sp_dboption'.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not find stored procedure 'sp_dboption'.

Install atleast SharePoint SP1 before running the wizard.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Loopback disable with preferred method


There is a quick way to disable loop back but here is the recommended way for Prod:
Open regedit and go to:

Here create a new “Multi String value”
Name =  BackConnectionHostNames
Modify it with your sites below each other

Example: ""
Make sure you add all the URL's under AAM.
Also add the URL the load balancer is using.

SQL: Pre-Grow a SQL DB


Here is how to pre grow a SQL DB before it is full and need to Auto-Grow

Open your Management Studio and go to the DB you want to grow.
Right Click Properties and go to Files

Under Initial Size you can change it to the size you want.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

SP2013: The BdcServiceDatabase Need to be upgraded


TO get rid of the error on your BdcServiceDatabase

Database is in compatibility range and upgrade is recommended

Run this script:

(Get-SPDatabase | ?{$_.type -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SharedService.BdcServiceDatabase"}).Provision()

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Load testing SharePoint with Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate


Here is how to load test your SharePoint Farm.
You need Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate with Update 1. i Have got update 3.

In Visual Studio go to test and "Web Performance and Load Test Project"

Enable 3rd party browser extensions under advanced settings if blocked
You it is grayed out you can change it in the registry but after every gpupdate/reboot you will need to enable it again.

Now you need to create a recording.
Click on record

Here can be a few issues, especially if you run on Windows 8.1
When i click in the recording it opens my browser but not the Recording Snap-in on the side.
Workaround that works for me, in IE go to tools,  Manage Add-ons.
Disable and re-enable "Web Test Recorder 10.0"

Once you enable it the Recorder should open in the left on your browser.

Now simulate what you want to test and it will be recorded in the recorder.
So open your site and do your thing. (FYI: One thing im n not clear on is how it handles uploading files and duplicate files names and stuff like that.)

Once you are Done click on Stop Recording. Here you might get a error:

Work around in this is just close your browser and click stop on Visual Studio.
Now you should have this:

Next you want to add the Load Test.
On the right click on your c# project and add a load test.

This will open up a wizard, complete the wizard and load your recorded test under test Mix.

Now you are ready to run your test.
You can right click on The project ad select "Run Load test"


Some other handy links:

Friday, 4 October 2013

SP2013: Database is in compatibility range and upgrade is recommended in Health analyzer for BDC DB

Hi, Got this after a clean install:

Run this in PowerShell
(Get-SPDatabase | ?{$_.type -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SharedService.BdcServiceDatabase"}).Provision()

Friday, 27 September 2013

SP2013: When running the configuration wizard you get the error: The process does not possess the 'SeSecurityPrivilege' privilege which is required for this operation

You need to grant access under local or group policies on the servers.

Manage Auditing and Security Log.
i Added my Installation and Farm Account and then you need to restart your server.

After just a GPUpdate it failed again.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Add a Secure Web Application to a wildcard certificate

i Have got a server with a wildcard already added and want to add another site that must be secure.

You can start of by adding another Web Application with a host header and using port 80.

On You Web Application:
Then open IIS 7.
To verify, check that there is a certificate loaded you can click on the server name on the left and go to Server Certificates

Then click on sites, go to your new Web Application and on the right click on bindings.

In SharePoint 2013 you also need to do this step:
Goto Central Administration -> Security -> Manage Trust
Click New, give it a name and browse to the existing  Certificate CER file.

Under the bindings click on add and add your Secure details.
Type = https
Port = 443
Hostname = siteurl (no https)
SSL Certificate = The existing wildcard certificate.

Leave the http binding there for now. Can remove it later to create a redirect. (You can prob remove it now if you like...)

Remember that you will need a DNS entry for you new Host header..
To start of you can test and see if you can open your site with the normal url, if that works try

If the https works, go back to where you selected your site on IIS and select SSL Settings, change this to "Require SSL"

Then i must still add how to do a redirect from http to https...Basically create another site with http and redirect it to https site.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Set up drop of library


Realised everything here does not 100% sense..will be looking at this and filling in the blanks in the near future.

Here is how to setup a drop-off Library:

Activate Content Organizer under site settings

Goto Site settings and goto Content Types
Create a new Content Type

Custom Content Type
Add New Site Columns for Custom Content Type
         FYI: If you send to different site there is a check box under content organiser settings

Now you have to add Columns to the content type

In my case i pointed to Managed meta data with Sister company names as a managed metadata field.
The plan is that once you upload a doc it gets routed to the correct company folder.

Go to Site Settings.
Get Web Service URL at bottom of Content organiser settings.

Go to Central Admin, select General Application Settings
Select "Configure Send to Connector"
Select your web Application and create a new connection
Under Send to Url paste the url you copied from Content Organiser settings

Create Target libraries where the files must be sent to.

Open SharePoint designer and connect to your libraries, Drop off and destination libraries.
Make sure Allow Management of Content Types is checked in each.

Then click on Add and select content type

For Destination Document libraries do the same in Designer.

You are done with designer.

Go to Site settings on Site Collection
Click on "Content Organizer Rules"
Give it a name which ref the destination location for this file
Create Content Organiser Rules
Set Priority on 1 highest
Select Custom Content type
and type select you content type
Under Conditions select your Content Type
"Operator" is equal to and select the skill you are creating a rule for (SharePoint)
Now select the SharePoint skill set library
(Do for each folder you created)

fyi: make sure you have content type on target and library before you add it above

Go to drop of lib settings - info management policy settings
here you can add retention policies

This video was pretty helpfull

Monday, 26 August 2013

SP2010: IE10 Crashes and reopens on SharePoint 2010

Dont know why the background is white...Not going to try ad fix it now

Hi, i keep on getting errors on IE with SharePoint 2010.
Not sure if it is just on SharePoint but SharePoint 2013 seems fine. (Nope, has happened on SharePoint 2013 with me a few times now but not as much)

Error in App Log:
Faulting application name: IEXPLORE.EXE, version: 10.0.9200.16660, time stamp: 0x51f1c5f3
Faulting module name: OLEAUT32.dll, version: 6.2.9200.16657, time stamp: 0x51d366c4
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00008f2d
Faulting process id: 0x250
Faulting application start time: 0x01ce9fd8802764ef
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OLEAUT32.dll
Report Id: 2770fecf-0bcc-11e3-be90-f01faf05b4b5
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID: 

Fist i am trying the following:
Disable the name.dll IE add on. Under Add-ons it is called NameCtrl Class.

Ok, that did not help. After that i renamed the name.dll file and that seemed to have done it...
The Name.dll gives your presence status for lync so after that i renamed it back and did a office repair....
So far so good.

Thanks for the Guy's on tech-ed helping me to get this one:

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

SP2010: IE 10 and SharePoint does not respond

i Have had this for ages and always just changed the compatibility mode but eventually took the time to find a solution...

Sometime you click on a button or trying to save an item and nothing happens....You press F12 change the Browser Mode to IE 9 and it is working

Amazes me how Google Chrome can work better on Microsoft's own products...
If it was not for SharePoint i would have never used this virus called Internet Explorer.

Seems there is 2 solutions:

First Solution:
Go to Tools, Compatibility View Settings.
Here you ccan choose "Display all Websites in Compatibility View" but then there might be some sites saying you must upgrade to a newer browser.
So add your SharePoint url to the list if you don't want all sites to be viewed in compatibility view.

There is a hotfix for this to but i have not tested it as yet.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

SP2010: After Exporting and Importing Meeting Work Spaces the destination site is unresponsive wen clicking on dates


i Am busy moving sites to it's own content DB's and ran into a issue...

There are plenty of meeting Work Spaces in their environment and after the data is imported you click on the different dates and the destination site is unresponsive.

Used to import:
"Import-SPWeb -Identity "" -Path ":\Path\TechnicalServicesES.cmp" -IncludeUserSecurity -UpdateVersions Overwrite"

After re-linking most of the calendar entries with the sites someone suggested i change the master page.

So do the following:

Open Site in SharePoint designer.
Go to master pages.
Right click on MWSDefaultv4.master and select "Set as Default Master page"
Then right click again and select "Set as Custom Master Page"

And there i save myself allot of time!!
Thanks to Rushabh Amin for pointing this out to me on the Technet Forums!