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Thursday, 21 November 2013

SP2013: [MissingWebPart] Error on Clean SharePoint 2013 Instalation


i Have seen this quite a few times.

I Have lots of errors like this:

[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [b2faa275-7008-740a-a014-0055b7420d15] (class [Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.SiteFeedWebPart] from assembly [Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxxx]) is referenced [2] times in the database [WSS_DBName], but is not installed on the current farm. Please install any feature/solution which contains this web part. One or more web parts are referenced in the database [WSS_DBName], but are not installed on the current farm. Please install any feature or solution which contains these web parts.

Here is a very handy site with a solution but did not work for me.

First Run this script in SQL Query Analyzer:

Change DB Name and the ID to the one's in the error message

use [SharePoint_AdminContent_(guid)]
select DirName, LeafName
    from dbo.AllDocs
    where id in
        (select tp_PageUrlID
            from dbo.AllWebParts
            where lower(tp_WebPartTypeId) = '28c23aec-2537-68b3-43b6-845b13cea19f')

Now You need to figure out in which site collection it is.
Hopefully you restrict your DB's to only have one Site collection, then it is easy.
If not...i Dont know. i Limit it.
So if you go to view All site collections and you choose your site collection it will give you the url for your site collection.

Ok, so now you need to paste the DirName above to the end of the url in your site.

The errors go away and come back again, will have to look at this again later.
If someone can see where i go wrong please let me know.

Monday, 18 November 2013

SP2010: SharePoint 2010 Installation error: Could not find stored procedure 'sp_dboption'.


Got this error while running the SharePoint 2010 wizzard to create a farm.

 Failed to create the configuration database.
An exception of type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was thrown.  Additional exception information: Could not find stored procedure 'sp_dboption'.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not find stored procedure 'sp_dboption'.

Install atleast SharePoint SP1 before running the wizard.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Loopback disable with preferred method


There is a quick way to disable loop back but here is the recommended way for Prod:
Open regedit and go to:

Here create a new “Multi String value”
Name =  BackConnectionHostNames
Modify it with your sites below each other

Example: ""
Make sure you add all the URL's under AAM.
Also add the URL the load balancer is using.

SQL: Pre-Grow a SQL DB


Here is how to pre grow a SQL DB before it is full and need to Auto-Grow

Open your Management Studio and go to the DB you want to grow.
Right Click Properties and go to Files

Under Initial Size you can change it to the size you want.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

SP2013: The BdcServiceDatabase Need to be upgraded


TO get rid of the error on your BdcServiceDatabase

Database is in compatibility range and upgrade is recommended

Run this script:

(Get-SPDatabase | ?{$_.type -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SharedService.BdcServiceDatabase"}).Provision()