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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Test SQL IO Performance


Here is how to test your SQL IO Performance. This basically just test your hard drive IO so don't actually have anything to do with SQL.
Download SQLIO

Then install it on the SQL Server
Browse to it in command prompt as Administrator.

*****Do no do this on Production*****

Now for the default test you can just type in SQLIO but that wont help you much, you want to specify your different hard drives in your SQL Server, change the file size ex...
This will better explain it:

Here is a good article i got most of my info from:

Copy and Paste from the MSDN blog for easy ref for myself so all credit to Joseph

1. Create 2 Param.txt files in the SQLIO folder. One that uses a single thread and one that uses multiple threads. Call them ParamST.txt and ParamMT.txt
ParamST.txt contents might look like this: G:\testfile.dat 1 0x0 500
ParamMT.txt contents might look like this: G:\testfile.dat 8 0x0 500

2. Copy the text below and paste it into a text file.
echo ****** Read Tests *****
sqlio -kR -s300 -frandom -o8 -b8 -LS -FparamMT.txt > Reads8KRandom8Oustanding.txt
timeout /T 10
sqlio -kR -s300 -frandom -o8 -b64 -LS -FparamMT.txt > Reads64KRandom8Oustanding.txt
timeout /T 10
sqlio -kR -s300 -frandom -o8 -b512 -LS -FparamMT.txt > Reads512KRandom8Oustanding.txt
timeout /T 10
echo ****** Write Tests *****
sqlio -kW -s300 -frandom -o8 -b8 -LS -FparamMT.txt > Writes8KRandom8Outstanding.txt
timeout /T 10
sqlio -kW -s300 -frandom -o100 -b256 -LS -FparamST.txt > Writes256KRandom100Outstanding.txt
timeout /T 10
sqlio -kW -s300 -frandom -o200 -b256 -LS -FparamST.txt > Writes256KRandom200Outstanding.txt

2. Then save the text file as SQLIOTest.bat in the folder that contains SQLIO.EXE and you are ready to go
3. Just run SQLIOTest.bat from Command Prompt

Now to analyse the data:

You can do something like this and parse the data into excel...I am not going to do that.

As far as i can gather from some research(Correct me if im wrong), the important info in the reports is the IOPS and MB/sec. The idea is to run this before you make a change and then again after you finished to see what the performance penalty is.

Hope this it helpful!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

What SQL Components are installed

Hi, here is a quick way to see what SQL Components are installed on a Server.

Open the SQL Server Installation Center

Then go to tools and Installed SQL Server features discovery report.
This will generate a report.



Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Nintex 2013: Conditional start is not working on a Document Library

Had this issue where a document workflow does not want to start when the document is edited and there is a conditional start in play.

Got this in the ULS logs:
Error processing item updated event.: System.ArgumentException: New instances of this workflow template are currently disallowed.

We renamed the Nintex workflow a while ago and that changes the workflow with the old name to unpublished.

Delete the workflow with the old name from "Unpublished", this fixed the error for me.